Marilyn Berrett featured at BYU Faculty Center lecture Nov. 20 Skip to main content
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Marilyn Berrett featured at BYU Faculty Center lecture Nov. 20

The Brigham Young University Faculty Center is hosting a new lecture in its “My Journey as a Scholar of Faith” series Wednesday, Nov. 20, from 3 to 4 p.m. in B192 Joseph F. Smith Building. Marilyn Berrett, Dance Department chair at BYU, will speak at the session.

Each session in the series features one or more scholars who have been thoughtful about the relationship between their religious faith and academic work. The primary audience for this series is BYU faculty members, but any interested students are welcome to attend. Admission is free.

Invited speakers will share their personal journey of understanding how currently faith and intellect work together in their personal and professional lives. Participants might be inspired by these journeys of faith and intellect to reflect on their own journeys.

Berrett joined the dance faculty at BYU in 1985. Since then, she has been the director of the Dancer’s Company, now known as the Contemporary Dance Theatre, and has also been involved with the Young Ambassadors and has created choreography for various productions.

For more information, contact the Faculty Center at ext. 2-7419.

Source:  BYU News