Mandatory Annual Advisement Skip to main content


Mandatory Annual Advisement

Students in all dance major programs (Dance BA, Dance BFA, and Dance Ed) are required to schedule an annual advisement meeting with their assigned major advisor.

The steps for completing your mandatory advisement major requirement are as follows:

1. Access the current MAP sheet for your declared major:

2. Access the department course offerings document. This important document indicates when dance courses are offered each semester/term to be able to complete your graduation plan.

3. Access the Course Chains document for your major:

4. Using the MAP, Course Offerings sheets, and Course Chains document, complete a plan to graduation using the grad plan documents:

5. Make an appointment with your assigned Major Advisor (sent out via email to all majors) for your annual, mandatory advisement and send an electronic version of your grad plan to your advisor.

6. Have your major advisor email Ashlynn Barron at to let her know you have completed your advisement meeting. Your advisor will send the electronic copy of your grad plan to Ashlynn.

7. Make an appointment to meet with Ashlynn Barron in the CFAC Advisement office ( for your annual advisement meeting with her.

It is mandatory that each major student meets and reviews their graduation plan with their assigned advisor annually, prior to November 15th of the academic year if they are current majors, and February 15th if they are new majors. If a student doesn’t meet with their advisor by the deadline, a registration hold will be placed on the student’s account, stopping them from registering for the next semester’s classes.