Studio Scheduling and Policies Skip to main content

Studio Scheduling and Policies

After-Hours Studio Usage

Open Studios

Several studios in the Richards Building are available for student use on a first come, first served basis when not in use for scheduled classes or events (The schedule posted outside each studio indicates classes that are scheduled there). These studios cannot be scheduled by students. Since they are not scheduled, students using these studios must allow other students to use the studio simultaneously: Access will remain open to any student enrolled in dance classes who wishes to use a studio for choreography class assignments and/or other major coursework assignments. Students agree to abide by all rules for studio care. Failure to comply will result in loss of all studio use privileges.

Open studios include:

  • 158 Contemporary studio - NO shoes allowed: bare feet only.
  • 160 Contemporary studio - NO shoes allowed: bare feet only.
  • 162 Percussive studio - tap, clog, Irish hard shoes.
  • 270 Ballroom studio - shoes allowed(tap, clog, Irish hard shoe NOT allowed).
  • 278 Cultural studio - shoes allowed (tap, clog, Irish hard shoe NOT allowed).
  • 1137 Dance studio - shoes allowed (tap, clog, Irish hard shoe NOT allowed).
  • 2206 Dance studio - shoes allowed (tap, clog, Irish hard shoe NOT allowed).

You may use this website to view availability of rooms.
log in with the following information:
UserID: dance
Password: dance1

Scheduled Studios

There are several studios that can be scheduled by dance major students to fulfill senior capstone projects only. These studios require activation of swipe access on your student ID card.

Studios that are available for scheduling are the same as those that are for open studio use.

Room 164 is not to be scheduled for student rehearsals.  It is for faculty prep only.

Use of ballet studios need to be approved through Hilary Wolfley.

Students are NOT allowed to schedule space, unless to work on a Senior Project. Open space is to be shared. Please make sure you follow the shoe guidelines for all studios.

If you are eligible to schedule studio space, please do the following:
1. Use the Dance Studio Scheduling Link:
2. Enter the Following:

  • Your Name
  • "Senior Project"
  • BYU Email
  • Phone number

**Reservations requested without this information will not be considered. If you do not receive a confirmation email, you do not have the room.**

It is your responsibility to make sure the room you are scheduling is appropriate for the type of dance you are doing. Refer to the list above for clarity.

Studio Care

Failure to abide by any of the following protocols will result in having studio access revoked.

a. Be courteous of other dancers who may need to share unscheduled spaces. These are open rehearsal spaces, available for use by all students enrolled in choreography and other dance courses who may need access.

b. Do not prop doors open or make studios available for use by unauthorized students, groups, or members of the community-at-large. If you are locked out, you will forfeit access to the studio.

c. Honor designations for studios that require bare feet, socks, and/or ballet slippers or pointe shoes only.

d. Leave each studio as you found it, or cleaner than you found it: If you use chairs, benches, props, tables, white board, blackboard, foam rollers, sound system or any other item during your rehearsal, please return all items to their proper place. Pick up discarded papers, wrappers, chalk, etc. and check for clothing, books or other personal items before exiting the studio.

e. Foam rollers, balls and other equipment are for use only in designated studios. Removing them from their designated studios or from the Richards Building is prohibited.

f. Treat sound systems with respect and care. Do not turn the volume too high.

g. Food and drink is prohibited, with the exception of a water bottle.