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Brigham Young University’s (BYU) Department of Dance will host Lisa Ford Moulton as the annual Dee R. Winterton Lecture speaker on Friday, February 20, 2015.

The Dee R. Winterton lecture series was first established five years ago to celebrate the life of former BYU faculty member Dee R. Winterton who influenced the founding and development of the Department of Dance. Winterton’s philosophy was that, “Dance has a special role to play in the education of the ‘whole man . . . to dance is to appreciate and celebrate one of the most basic and perhaps most personal gifts of God to man—the physical body.”

Speakers are selected based on the quality of their work and their similarities to the work that Winterton accomplished. Past speakers have included Pat Debenham, Caroline Prohosky, Bebe Miller, Donald McKayle, and Linda C. Smith.

“Lisa Ford Moulton represents what we consider to be the best of what our alumnus are capable of accomplishing.  She embodies not only what it means to be an active, contributing member of the Church and a mother in Zion; but she is also a vital contributor to the dance discipline through her varied and significant work as a performer, teacher and choreographer,” said Pamela Musil, Contemporary Area Head for BYU’s Department of Dance. “Her professional work offers a particularly salient example of the types of work that Dee was involved with, and that we hope future alumnus will aspire to.”

Moulton received a BS in Modern Dance from Brigham Young University and a MFA in Choreography from the University of Utah. She was a member of the Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company in Salt Lake City and worked with the Loose Gravel Dance Company and Contemporary Danceworks before joining the faculty at Ohio University in 1995. She was an Associate Professor of Dance until 2004. Moulton now continues her relationship with Ohio University as a guest artist and adjunct faculty member.

Moulton’s choreography has been performed both nationally and internationally by numerous companies and at prestigious festivals. In 2004 she was commissioned to create Turning Two Hundred, an evening-length work. Among other honors, she has received two Ohio Arts Council Individual Artist Fellowship Awards and the Ohioana Citation for Dance.

Currently, Moulton is a Very Special Arts (VSA) Ohio teaching artist at two multi-handicapped schools. Since 2006 she has been a choreographer at the Hill Cumorah Pageant, in Palmyra, NY.

Moulton’s lecture can be seen on Friday, February 20 at 1:30 P.M. in the Dance Studio Theatre of BYU’s Richards Building. For more information regarding Moulton and others who have helped shape BYU’s College of Fine Arts and Communications, click here.