The Living Legends concluded a highly successful tour to Montana, Canada, and Alaska this past month with a final appearance in Anchorage. Past presenter Stephanie Thompson, working with the BYU Alumni Chapter, organized wonderful concert opportunities. Jodi and Treg Taylor, co-chairs of the BYU Alumni Chapter, summed up the impact the group was able to make in Anchorage:
The performances were a complete success. We were able, in the name of BYU, to open many doors that would have been difficult or impossible for the Church. This is a role that the Alaska Alumni Board feel strongly to continue. We partnered with 19 businesses (8 Native corporations) and 6 family donors.
Almost 2,000 school children and youth saw the Living Legends perform at the Performing Arts Center on Tuesday afternoon. Many area schools attended including the entire Alaska Military Youth Academy, North Star Elementary and the Native Charter School. Many came from Title I schools. Feedback included a Title I principal that said that this was the best performance his students had ever seen. He also said that because of this performance his students saw for the first time a broadened picture of possibilities for their lives; before that they could not see out of the narrow box their circumstances and environment had imposed on them. He indicated that if we ever do anything in the future to please involve his school.
The Alaska Military Youth Academy principal indicated that while all of his students loved the show, his many Polynesian and Native students were particularly moved. He stated that they would partner with us anytime in the future and have already agreed to help with the Day of Service. Several teachers took extraordinary lengths to get their students to the show. One put her entire class on the public bus system because she could not garner any parental support. Another chartered a private bus using her own funds when the school district indicated it was too late to get a school bus (when we found out, we reimbursed her). The costumed Living Legends mingled with the kids after the performance for pictures and encouragement, to the crowds delight.
The Tuesday night concert attracted 2000 attendees. The Living Legends received thunderous applause throughout and after a standing ovation they treated the audience by singing I Am a Child of God. The performers again mingled with the attendees for almost an hour following the performance.
GCI (Channel 1) taped the performance for streaming to Bush Villages. The performance is also available through GCI’s Videos on Demand (VOD) and will be for several months.
Almost 2,000 school children and youth saw the Living Legends perform at the Performing Arts Center on Tuesday afternoon. Feedback included a Title I principal that said that this was the best performance his students had ever seen.
As they prepared for each concert and outreach, the Living Legends felt many times like, “warriors of light” going to battle to show youth and families a vision of something better for themselves. It is their hope that their message will indeed continue to bear fruit in the years to come.
Source: Performing Arts Management